Go to Your Business Profile
1. Make sure you are logged into Eventeny.
2. At the top right of the home page, hover over your profile icon and select "Account Settings."
3. Click the "Business Profile" box.
Upload and Delete Photos
1. Scroll down your business profile page until you see the "Pictures" section. You may already have pictures on your business profile from previous applications. Whether you do or not, you can delete them or upload more by clicking the "edit" button written in blue text towards the top right of the section.
2. Click the blue "Upload Picture" button to select photos from your computer to upload to your business profile. You do not need to save you changes as our platform automatically updates the pictures for you.
3. To delete photos, simply click the gray "x" at the top right corner of each individual picture you want to remove. You do not need to save you changes as our platform automatically updates the pictures for you.
4. You can reorder pictures as well by clicking and dragging the one up one down arrow at the top left corner of each individual picture. You do not need to save you changes as our platform automatically updates the pictures for you.
5. When you are finished and happy with your picture selections, simply click the "X" button at the bottom.
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