Find Your Deals (Sponsor Submission List)
- Make sure you are logged into
- At the top of the homepage, hover over the "Organize" tab and select the event you wish to work with.
- This is your event dashboard. On the left side bar, click the "Sponsors" drop-down arrow and select "Deals."
Add A New Deal
Here’s your Deals page! This is where you can view all relevant details about potential sponsors, including their names, sponsorship amounts, deal stages, and more. If you’ve already created a sponsor application and started receiving submissions, those potential sponsors will appear in the deals list.
You can add new deals manually by clicking the "+New Deal" button.
In the "Deal Information" section of the "Deal Detail" dashboard, you'll be required to fill out the following fields:
- Name: Enter a descriptive name for the deal (e.g., sponsor name or event name).
- Stage: Select the current stage of the deal (e.g., "1 - Prospecting" for initial discussions).
- Amount: Enter the financial value of the deal or sponsorship.
Close Date: Set the expected date for the deal to close (the finalization date).
- Here are all the different stages that you can input in a deal:
- 1 - Prospecting: Identifying potential sponsors and initiating contact.
- 2 - Appointment: Scheduling a meeting to discuss the deal.
- 3 - Qualify: Evaluating if the sponsor is a good fit for the deal.
- 4 - Presentation: Presenting the sponsorship proposal or deal details.
- 5 - Negotiation: Discussing terms and adjusting the deal details.
- 6 - Contract Sign: Both parties sign the official contract.
- 7 - Closed Won: The deal is successfully closed and confirmed.
0 - Closed Lost: The deal is not going forward, either canceled or declined.
- Next, you will need to fill out the remaining fields:
Type: Select the type of deal. For example, "New Business" if it's a new sponsorship or partnership.
Visibility: Choose if you want the company name and logo to be visible on the event page. This helps identify the sponsor publicly.
Description: Enter a brief description of the deal. This is where you provide a short overview of what the deal entails.
Deal Owner: Select who owns or manages the deal within the team.
Payout Method: Choose where the payment for the deal should be deposited.
- Click the "Save" button when done.
- After clicking the "Save" button. You will then see the deal details finalized with the option to "Delete" the deal or "Edit" using the pencil icon.
- Scroll down to manage the deal further by adding "Company Information", "Contact Information", and "Deliverables." You can also send "Invoices", "Contracts", or "Documents." Additionally, assign "Booths/Spaces" and add any "Office Notes" (visible only to your team).
- To learn more about managing your sponsor deals, review this article next.
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