December 2024
- Required and suggested sizing guidance has been added to the business settings page for company logo uploads.
- Multiple conditional questions can now be added to a parent question for all AVE applications.
- Files attached to applications were not being displayed correctly. This bug has been fixed.
- Questions hidden from jury members were displaying for users. This bug has been fixed.
- Pagination has been added to booth assignments.
- Status update emails to sponsors can now be previewed by the event organizer before sending.
- Sponsor logos can now be added to tickets.
- Status update emails to sponsors can now be previewed by the event organizer before sending.
- Team members were unable to accept invitations to join an event. This bug has been fixed
November 2024
- When copying deals over, not all deliverables were being copied over as well. This bug has been fixed.
- Billing information was being asked for free tickets. This bug has been fixed.
- Products on the marketplace weren't being filtered correctly. This bug has been fixed.
- Products on the marketplace can now be easily shared to social media with a new "share" link.
- A one-page event analytics dashboard has been added to our platform for all event organizers.
October 2024
- Refund protection can now be purchased by attendees, and can be enabled by event organizers.
- The option to copy additional ticket fees to duplicated tickets has been added.
- Add-ons can now be re-ordered via click and drag.
- Ticket analytics were not being calculated correctly. This bug has been fixed.
- QR codes were not populating in tickets for a short period of time. This bug has been fixed.
- Vendor applications were not displaying a payment information box for users to enter credit card information. This bug has now been fixed.
- ACH payments were momentarily not working for application fees. This bug has now been fixed.
- Event team members were receiving emails related to application submissions they did not have access to. This bug has been fixed.
September 2024
- Tickets with shipping purchased were not able to be fully refunded by the event organizer. This bug has now been fixed.
- Knowledge base articles and helpful links have bee added to business profile pages.
- Registrant answers to custom questions are now being displayed on the mobile app.
- Applicants are now able to use a slider to zoom into their booth assignments on Maps.
- Pagination has been added to submission pages, making it easier to sort through multiple applications.
- Vendors were unable to edit dates for recurring events on mobile. This bug has been fixed.
- Event references were not viewable after application submission. This bug has been fixed.
- 'Show more' links on the vendor application page were not working. This bug has been fixed.
- Vendors were unable to enter their state in their applications after submission. This bug has been fixed.
August 2024
- Automated messages are now enabled when waitlisting applicants on Other Applications.
- Users are now able to purchase Marketplace products from the mobile app.
- The ticket analytics page summary section has been overhauled and re-designed to be more comprehensive.
- Selected seats are now visible on the list view of tickets.
- Conditional logic questions for paid accounts is now live on AVE applications! This feature will be rolled out for other application types in the coming months.
- Email notifications are now being sent out to event organizers when AVEs modify their recurring events date selection.
- Booth assignment pills were not displaying as "unassigned" when booths were unassigned. This bug has now been fixed.
- Volunteer schedules and media were not correctly exporting. This bug has now been fixed.
- Some product variations created by Marketplace vendors were behaving differently than other variations. This bug has now been fixed.
- Empty maps were showing when an event did not have maps created, or maps created were set to private. This bug has now been fixed.
- Map scaling was not being retained when copying a map over to another event. This bug has now been fixed.
- When copying a deal over to another event, deliverables were listed in the deal carry over, but weren't appearing in the deliverables list. This bug has been fixed.
July 2024
- Date and time were not appearing on ticket add-ons. This bug has been fixed.
- Messaging was not functioning on portrait mode on the mobile app. This bug has now been fixed.
- Vendor analytics export were displaying a bug when being exported to a csv file format. This has been fixed.
- Applications where the deadline had passed were not being displayed. This bug has now been fixed.
- First scheduled split payments were being charged, before event organizer approval. This bug has now been fixed.
- Vendors are now able to add dates to recurring events applications after approval from event organizers.
- Currencies besides USD have been added to other applications.
- Booths were not able to be purchased for other applications. This bug has been fixed.
- When selecting multiple circle shape booths, the selector would extend beyond the borders of the selection. This bug has been fixed.
- If an event has multiple maps, these can now be enhanced on the mobile app.
- Pictures being resized were not being correctly positioned. This bug has been fixed.
- The pricing page feature list has been updated.
- A link to each event organizer's individual customer success managers has been added to the event dashboard.
June 2024
- Embedding schedules to your website is now mobile-app friendly, and responsive.
- Push notifications will now be sent out on our mobile app for messaging relating to tickets.
- Design updates made to ticket categories on mobile to make buttons more readable.
- Ticketing analytics has been overhauled, with new visualizations and tables of ticket buyer data.
- Shipping information has been added to ticket confirmation emails sent when ticket buyers purchase tickets with shipping.
- Time zones are now accounted for in ticket sales start times.
- Vendors can now bulk edit their products on the marketplace.
- Previously, if a partial refund was issued for an invoice, a full refund could not be issued after the partial refund. This bug has been fixed.
- Event organizers' individual CES representative is now displayed on their events dashboard.
- Our event page has been redesigned - check out our product updates to learn more.
- A zoom slider has now been added to booth assignments, so vendors can now easily see which booth they've been assigned to.
- Previously, the mobile app was not displaying multiple maps, if an event had more than one. This has now been fixed.
- Event organizers can now refund manual sponsor invoices.
May 2024
- After creating booths with customized backgrounds and text color, the styling would change when another set of booths were created. This has been fixed.
- Charge vendors upon booth selection has been reintroduced.
- Contract status' was not displaying in order when sorted. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug causing business information from displaying on the submission page, after submitting an application as a new user. This has been fixed.
- When tickets required documentation to be uploaded, the upload button wasn't displaying on the order confirmation page. This has been fixed.
- Users can now visit the knowledge base in account settings.
- Upcoming events are now listed above company reviews inside company pages.
- Inactive shop badges have been increased from 6 months to 1 year.
April 2024
- There was a bug that was resulting in inaccurate application price ranges. This has been fixed.
- Event organizers can now offer installment payments for vendors. Define how many payments, and the time period.
- There was a bug that resulted in only the first charge date to be reflected on the receipt. This has been fixed to show all charge dates.
- There was a bug causing contracts to not sort properly. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug preventing volunteer shift applications from displaying on the application and approval email. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug causing purchase date and time data to display in the incorrect order when exported. This has been fixed.
- Event organizer merchandise has been integrated with tickets. Ticket buyers will now see the organizers marketplace merchandise for sale on the ticket confirmation page.
- You can now bulk upload tickets and add-ons with our Excel template.
- There was a bug preventing ticket buyers from going back, and then completing the order after selecting a seat during the ticket checkout process. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug causing the inability for tickets to be removed from a map. This has been fixed.
- There was a bug preventing text elements from being moved around a map. This has been fixed.
- Upon approval, sponsorship applicants weren't receiving a booth selection button in their approval email. This has been fixed.
- Departments leads with manage access and assigned to specific departments were still receiving and had access to applications outside of their departments. This has been fixed.
March 2024
- Seats are now displayed on embedded maps.
- Payment notes and date of charge is now listed on printed receipts.
- You can now search invoices on the analytics page under the finance & discount codes tab.
- You can now manually edit volunteer shift check-in/check-out times.
- Volunteer analytics can now be exported.
- QR codes were not being generated when issuing a ticket from the mobile app without an email being provided. This has been fixed.
- You can now add internal notes to canceled and/or refunded tickets.
- Admins can now search for a specific ticket when switching tickets for an attendee in the tickets list > attendee name > switch ticket.
- Card collected, cash collected, and onsite card collected were missing from the finance & discount codes export in ticket list. This has been fixed.
- Marketplace shoppers will now be able to filter by category, location, and price.
- You can now allows sponsors to add additional items after submission.
- There was a bug where wrong sponsor information was showing up for different sponsors when doing performing a bulk copy. This has been fixed.
- You can now bulk approve, reject, waitlist, and withdraw other application submissions.
- Fixed fees are now available.
- Numeric question types are now available.
- There was a bug where rearranging the other applications wouldn't save in your preferred order. This has been fixed.
February 2024
- Raw and weighted jury scores are now differentiated in vendor submission exports.
- A fix has been made to words improperly splitting when starting a new line of text in the prices descriptions.
- Vendor submissions can now be copied over to another event
- Ticket mailing and shipping is now available.
- The ticket analytics finance tab has been redesigned.
- Ticket shipping information is now included in exports.
- You can now export a total summary of sales.
- You can now manually edit or add volunteer check-in/check-out time on a shift
- Event organizers can now offer partial refunds to those who select and purchase booths.
- Application restrictions were not being copied over correctly when copied. This has been fixed.
January 2024
- Event organizers can now add sales tax to volunteer, sponsor, and other application invoices.
- Event organizers are now notified by email when a vendor, sponsor, or volunteer invoice has been paid.
- Transaction data from vendors selecting and purchasing a booth from a map is now collected. The property name is Transactions from map.
- You can now schedule payments by date.
- You can now customize gratuity options when selling marketplace products in the mobile app.
- Transaction details when a vendor purchases a booth space from a map is now included in exports and called Purchase from Maps.
- Multiple text bugs in maps have been fixed.
- New icons have been added to the maps icon library.
- There was a bug where booths/spaces were not displaying as purchased/selected by the sponsor on the admin side. This now has been fixed.
- A bug keeping the contracts side panel from scrolling has been fixed.
- You can now add a survey description to your event surveys.
- You can now customize email notifications and when you'd like to receive them.
- A bug keeping ticket buyers from receiving email updates after their ticket information was edited has been fixed.
- The website navigated bar has been redesigned.
December 2023
- You can now bulk waitlist applicants.
- You can now apply discount codes from the admin side on applicant submissions.
- You can now restrict applicants from editing their application after submission.
- A "session expired" error message would appear when messaging sponsor contacts. This has been fixed.
- The ticket selection page has been redesigned.
- The following attributes have been added to the ticket export file: Address line 1, Address line 2, City, State/Province.
- A bug has been fixed where a contract was being displayed as signed but wasn't.
- Contract signing has been optimized for mobile.
- You can now choose to pass/absorb/split fees when selling products through Marketplace.
- A bug has been fixed where the date December 31, 1969 was displaying when exporting volunteer shift information.
- You can now change email notification settings under Account settings > Notifications.
- If you have not verified your business, you can now do so on the All Events page.
November 2023
- After submitting their application, vendors can now update their booth, tables, and chair selections.
- A bug has been fixed where team members without access to specific applications could see exported data for additional applications.
- In the vendor payments section, you can now see the discounted amount if a vendor used a discount code.
- You can now bulk approve/reject/withdraw vendor applications.
- Adding products now has its own page called Product setup in the Account settings page.
- There is now a warning for admins issuing/swapping sold-out tickets.
- A bug has been fixed where a "please select a valid checkout type option" message would appear when using autofill during ticket purchasing checkout.
- A bug has been fixed where Additional Fees and Discounts were not showing up on ticket analytics and exports.
- A bug where ticket managers could not edit ticket discounts has been fixed.
- You can now export your event schedules in CSV format.
- You can now drag & resize your schedule elements.
- A bug has been fixed where signers would encounter a "contract intended for different account error" message would appear when attempting to open & sign a contract.
- You can now check in and scan badge QR codes right after issuing tickets.
- In the sponsor application editor under Questions, a website and logo are no longer required and can be toggled on/off.
- An issue would occur where the set minimum number of shifts selected could be bypassed. This has been fixed.
- User interface updates have been made to other applications.
October 2023
- Check-in and check-out times are now visible in the Analytics tab under Status.
- You can now add additional fees to tickets.
- You can now refund ticket buyers in bulk.
- Sponsor applicants can now select their own booths if enabled.
- Vendor tags are now visible on the vendor check in screen.
- People are now visible in schedule items.
- Links are now clickable in schedule items.
- You can now search for schedule items.
- Tap to pay and USB terminal payments are now available.
- Other Applications applicants can now select their own booths if enabled.
- A new product addition process has been created to make adding products to your store faster.
- New and improved platform security, speed, and stability.
September 2023
- You can now mass invoice vendors within your vendor submission list.
- You can now filter by invoices paid or unpaid in your vendor submission list.
- The purchase list inside the vendor analytics finance & discount code tab has been redesigned. This new design includes a search bar, linebreak dividers, color-coded statuses, and more.
- After a vendor submits an application, they'll be presented with a new window that allows them to set up their shop and sell their products.
- You can now search for tickets and add-ons within your ticket admin page.
- When a ticket has been swapped, an attendee would not receive a QR code or ticket link via email. This has been fixed.
- The ticket search bar on the attendee-facing ticket page will now stick to the top while scrolling down the page for easy access to search.
- A bug has been fixed for discount codes being applied to the wrong ticket.
- When issuing tickets through a sponsor deal, the confirmation email would send an incorrect address and photo. This has been fixed.
- A fix has been made to allow team members with support access to bulk upload volunteers.
- Eventeny website visitors can now browse for tickets directly on the homepage.
- You can now add additional admins to your account.
August 2023
- Event organizers can now see all hosted events of yours that a vendor is or has participated in. You will find this in the All Artists, Vendors & Exhibitors menu in your dashboard.
- You can now bulk import Shopify and Esty products into your storefront.
- Items can now be sent as gifts with the option of attaching a message.
- You can now purchase 'child' tickets at a later date by adding it to an existing order after the buyer purchases a 'parent' ticket.
- When publishing your event, a window will appear to make sure that you have all payout methods correctly set up before taking your event live.
July 2023
- Approved dates are now included in vendor submission list exports.
- The event date is now included in the top right corner of the vendor application process.
- You can now assign team members to deliverables on submitted sponsor applications.
- Deliverables can now be included during the sponsorship application creation.
- Ticket buyers now have the option to resell their tickets.
- Custom ticket questions will now be viewable/editable on all tickets within an order rather than just one.
- A new and improved ticket analytics dashboard.
- Affiliate code names are now included in the ticket list export.
- Additional fees on tickets are now available.
- Receipts are now generated when selecting vendor booths and/or spaces.
- You can now merge duplicate volunteer applicants on export.
- You can now send contracts to people outside of Eventeny.
- New header, signature field, and text box presets.
- All team members of an Event have access to incoming messages from applicants.
- You can now upload additional file types such as csv, xlsx, xls, mp4, and wmv.
June 2023
- Public-facing map booths are now ordered alphabetically and numerically.
- Vendor application picture uploads will now default to optional.
- You can now issue invoices to multiple vendors at once.
- You can now embed volunteer applications on your website.
- Event organizers now have the option to set tickets/add-ons as refundable.
- Event organizers can now allow attendees to switch tickets.
- Required fields when creating tickets are now marked with a red asterisk.
- Deliverables are now shown on the ticket confirmation page.
- Ticket name, quantity, and sales tax are now shown in your Stripe dashboard.
- You can now export multiple applications at once in AVE, volunteers, sponsors, and other applications.
- Individual payment information is now available in your other applications submission list export.
- Numeric and signature question types are now available in sponsor applications.
- Sponsors can update their payment information after submitting their application.
- You can now create product packing slips.
May 2023
- You can now filter your vendor submission list based on the invoice status.
- Volunteer applications can now be embedded onto your website.
- Volunteers will no longer be able to withdraw their application from an event that has already occurred.
- A ticket pairing notice has been added on the event page when purchasing add-ons.
- Deliverables are now shown on public-facing tickets.
- You can now set tickets to be refundable.
- Email, phone number, and name fields for issuing tickets can now be set to optional or required.
- Sales tax is calculated when selling merchandise. To achieve this, add a sales tax rate in your business profile.
- Event organizers can now edit sponsor applicant's custom question answers.
- Sponsor invoices for manually created deals will now display company/contact information.
- Contact/business details have been added to sponsor deal invoices.
- You can now add terms and conditions to your event.
- There is now a button for vendors and volunteers to contact the relevant event organizer in the "my applications" page.
April 2023
- A new ticket checkout workflow with improved design, legibility, and ease of use.
- You can now assign other application submissions to booths in your map editor.
- Event Organizers can now withdraw/activate vendor's date selection in recurring events.
- Vendor analytics now shows all invoices and their status under the "finance" tab.
- Paid and unpaid invoices are now color-coded within vendor analytics.
- You can now export the invoice list inside vendor analytics.
- A bug causing text to fall off the screen in event schedules has been fixed.
- Ticket buyers can now access their tickets by clicking on the profile icon, then clicking on my tickets.
- Sponsor application stages are now color-coded for quick identification.
- Assign deliverables to sponsors that submitted an application and were approved.
- The applicant can no longer set themselves as the emergency contact in the volunteer application.
- Phone numbers will now show up inside the volunteer department shift details export.
- You can now add your Google Tag Manager IDs to your events to track event traffic.
March 2023
- Application type has been added to the vendor analytics purchase list export.
- Add-ons now have the option for ticket pairing.
- Schedule details are now visible in the mobile app.
- Ticket deliverables no longer require check-in.
- Department approval status and shift information are now included in volunteer approval notifications and group messages.
- A bug causing attendee-facing maps to not show background color has been fixed.
- A bug causing the map icon search function to break when entering a "space" has been fixed.
- You can now highlight assigned booths in the map editor. To toggle this option on/off, click the settings icon in the map editor navigation bar.
- The sponsor's export list now displays payment information.
- You can now issue tickets in sponsor deals.
- Sponsor, organizer, and status information will now appear in sponsor invoices.
- Event organizers can now verify their identity via Stripe. A check mark will now be displayed next to verified business accounts.
February 2023
- Users with jury permissions can no longer access the discount code create and edit page.
- Credit cards now save for vendor applications if the charge is $0 — to be used for future charges.
- In other applications, you can now copy "message template" and "jury setup" when copying applications.
- A new ticket issuance process has been added.
- A calculator to calculate cash differences has been added.
- Event organizers can now issue tickets without requiring an email address.
- The legal business name will now appear next to the given business name in the vendor submission list.
- If a vendor discount code is used, the code will now be displayed in the payment section.
- You can now check in/check out vendors on the list submission details page.
- Custom question answers are now autosaved.
- You can now add a quantity available for discount codes.
- Images can now be duplicated.
- You can now copy icons, pictures, and text when copying maps.
- You can now search for icons in the map editor.
- Autocomplete has been turned off and will no longer block the input for start/end times when creating a new event.
- QR codes will now automatically update when the event page link has changed.
- In your account settings under "my order," — you can now export reports for items sold on-site.
January 2023
- The copy contract feature can now accept special characters.
- Text will now automatically wrap when adding new lines to your text box.
- You can now choose which page your text-box element will display on.
- Photos are now pushed to the bottom layer.
- Tooltips on maps no longer cover existing assets.
- Editing custom volunteer questions now works on mobile.
- You can now use the Eventeny app in landscape mode on Android.
- A refreshed product selling experience.
- Improved terminal setup process.
- New and improved analytics dashboard. There are new tables, charts, and export options for all data.
- New and improved analytics dashboard. There are new tables, charts, and export options for all data.
- New fee breakdown in vendor analytics under "Finance & Discount Codes."
- A bug causing vendor submission messages to not display has been fixed.
- Event Organizers can now add admins as sellers in Marketplace.
- Terminal locations can now be updated through the settings menu.
December 2022
- You can now adjust the opacity on booths, sections, and icons.
- Shapes for booths and sections have been added.
- Automated messages have been added to sponsorship applications.
- The contract editor user interface has been updated.
- Custom email messages have been added.
- You can now adjust text color, text-box width, text size, and print or cursive font.
- Fillable fields are now easily customizable.
- Duplicate discount code names are now prevented from being created.
- You can now view invoices inside the "other applications" feature.
- A new banner to remind users to publish their event has been added.
November 2022
- A toggle for ticket swapping is now available in the ticket editor.
- Paired tickets are now available for purchase after an unpaired ticket was originally purchased.
- The group total is now available within the ticket summary.
- An affiliate filter is now available within the ticket list.
- A search bar has been added to ticket analytics.
- Organizers can withdraw applicants in the "other applications" feature.
- Export data by status in other applications.
- Manually adding credit card information for on-site payments is now available.
- An on-site cash payment option is now available.
- A seamless transition between ticket purchase and scanning has been added.
- The ticket-issuing process has been simplified.
- Event organizers can now filter through ticket types and add-ons.
- New ticket details screen allowing event organizers to undo check-in, see deliverables, and scan badges.
- Custom team member permissions can now be set for tickets and applications.
October 2022
- Bulk ticket import is now available.
- The ticket analytics page now has tabs (summary/finance & discount codes/status) for easier viewing.
- Admin-edited answers are displayed on custom questions.
- A group summary is now available in ticket analytics.
A cohesive check-in and registration experience were created with options to easily switch between QR code scanning and onsite purchasing.
- A new deliverables section was added for easier editing.
- Event page visibility option controls are now available for the sponsor application section under event settings.
- New export options were added to filter data by status, tags, and logos.
- Team members can now be assigned to deliverables.
Sponsor data can now be exported with associated tags.
- Card scanning is now available to add a new card to an account.
- Privacy and sharing options for users to manage their data in-app.
- Messaging is now available!
- Existing contracts can now be copied for quicker editing and sending.
- Invoice payments are now easier to locate.
September 2022
- Vendor applications now have a separate line for tax additions.
Preset options from other applications have been removed.
Invoice links can now be shared in sponsor applications. - A help article is coming soon!
The option to export totals based on items, and not by applicants, is now available. - A help article is coming soon!
- An adjustment was made to the department/shift column to display both department and application-level applications.
- Ticket holders and event organizers can edit answers on applications after submission.
Ticket purchasers can swap and upgrade tickets independently while ensuring that if there is a difference in the ticket price, that difference is charged. - A help article is coming soon!
Cover photos can now be added to add-ons. - A help article is coming soon!
Sponsor website links can now be added to redirect attendees and provide greater visibility for sponsors.
August 2022
- Primary contacts can now be assigned for each ticket type.
- Order ID is now included in ticket exports.
Discount code data can now be exported.
- Facebook Pixel tracking is now available for ticket conversions.
- Discount codes can now be created on applications and individual price items. - A help article is coming soon!
Photo rotation is now available on vendor applications.
Event organizers can edit the additional info fields on vendor uploaded photos and/or videos.
- Discount amounts are now visible on artist, vendor, and exhibitor applications.
- A bulk import option is now enabled for volunteer applications.
- Map elements can now be bulk copied. - A help article is coming soon!
- All users now have the ability to conduct a password reset while still logged into their account.
- Documents can now be sent to collect e-signatures in artist, vendor, and exhibitor applications. - A help article is coming soon!
- A new contract tool was added to create the ability to send documents for e-signature. The new feature is now attached to applications as well.
July 2022
- The character display limit has been updated to ensure the primary contact field within "other applications" displays the contact's first and last name.
Applicants now have the ability to edit photo information after uploading on applications.
Organizers can now set the primary contact for an application in the "other applications" category.
- Organizers can now require artists, vendors, and exhibitors to add additional info on the photos they upload.
Organizers can edit the additional information fields on artist, vendor, and exhibitor uploaded photos and or videos.
- Picture descriptions of photos are now viewable on the application confirmation page.
- Picture upload requirements can now be made optional.
- Photo submissions can now be enlarged for easier viewing on the application confirmation page.
- A disclaimer has been added for vendors when adding their first product under their business profile page to acknowledge the 5% transaction fee.
- Email confirmation message now guides purchasers to access ticket information for independent editing/updating personal information if needed.
- Multi-ticket purchases are now sent in one email confirmation message.
- Time zones have been added to tickets and email confirmation messages.
You can now issue tickets to artists, vendors, and exhibitors within an application.
A new button was added for exporting discount code information.
An additional column has been added in the export file to indicate if a ticket was purchased online or onsite.
- Volunteers are not shown as "set to department" instead of "in review" when pending in department.
- Attendees can now save scheduled items of interest to their personal calendar view.
- Tags in scheduled event activities are now searchable and filterable.
Total number of people who have added a schedule item to their personal schedule is now visible.
When a schedule item is filtered, the filter now carries through when additional dates are selected.
- Attendees can now sort/search artist, vendor, and exhibitor names and booth numbers directly on an event map. - A help article is coming soon!
- Vendors can now easily refer their event organizer friends.
- The currency error in invoices has been fixed.
- Text has been added to the basic plan sign-up page to indicate that users will not be charged upon sign-up.
June 2022
- Bulk import office notes for artist, vendor, & exhibitor applications.
- Export confirmation & QR code link in submission list export type within applications.
- Numeric-type custom questions are now available.
- Application withdraws now require a reason to be submitted.
- Terminals are now in beta testing. Join the waitlist to test on-site payment collection with your upcoming event!
- A group discount option is now available.
- Bulk adding discount codes is now available.
- Ticket groups can now be created, edited, & reordered.
- Discount set-up is now viewable as a table instead of cards to make reviewing easier.
- A monthly summary of ticket transactions can now be exported.
- Ticket add-ons can now be copied for faster creation.
- Random discount code generation is now available.
- A new checkbox was added to include/exclude volunteer application shifts in export.
- An icon library is now available in the map editor.
- Edit text directly in the map editor.
- The map editor background tab has been revamped to consolidate foundational elements into one place.
The ability to sort/search an artist's name, booth number, and medium can now be filtered directly on the map list by attendees.
- To increase security, when an external link is clicked, the viewer is now prompted to acknowledge they would like to proceed with a link preview.
- Survey summary export view has been updated to be horizontal.
- Menu error found on the user profile of the fundraising page has been fixed.
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