What transaction fees does Eventeny charge?
Eventeny charges a fee for every transaction on our platform. This fee consists of a Service fee and a Stripe processing fee where applicable. If your ticket or application is free, you or your event participants will not pay any additional fees.
Are there any other fees?
If you choose to use Eventeny's check payout process instead of connecting your Stripe account, Eventeny charges an additional 1% per transaction (capped at $5 per transaction) to cover the additional cost of the manual payout process.
Who pays the fee?
By default, fees are set to pass fees to the event participants. However, when creating your tickets, pricing your applications, or issuing an invoice, you have options on who pays the fees.
- Pass fees: This option means the event participant is responsible for all additional fees. Fees will be added on to the sale.
- Absorb fees: This option means the fees will be deducted from the payout that your sale at the time of your payout.
- Split fees: This option will allow you to split the fees with the event participant.
- Let sponsor choose: This option is only available for sponsor applications, but you can choose to allow the sponsor choose whether they want to pay the fee or not.
What is the fee?
Depending on your plan, Eventeny charges a flat 3-5% on every transaction placed on our platform, with some exceptions explained below. Additionally, Stripe adds an additional fee of 2.9% + $0.31* to each transaction. Please see the chart below for additional information on Eventeny's fees. Additional charges may apply for ACH transactions.
* Stripe charge subject to change, Eventeny does not control this fee.
Fee Structure Table
Type | Subscription Level | |
Basic | Starter, Plus, or Pro | |
Sponsors | 5% (capped at $30) | 3% (capped at $30) |
Artists, Vendors, & Exhibitors, Volunteers, Fundraising, or Other Applications | 5% | 3% |
Tickets & evPay | 3% | |
Marketplace | 5% |
What happens to the fees if I refund someone?
All fees are refunded to the party that paid the fees originally. For example, if the fees were passed to a ticket purchaser, they would receive the fees back on the refund. If the fees were absorbed by the event organizer at the time of purchase, the fees would be returned to the event organizer.
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