Plan Availability
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This article assumes that you have already created tickets for your event, if not, review this guide first.
What is evProtect?
We’re excited to share that Eventeny has teamed up with Protect Group to bring you evProtect! This handy feature gives your attendees extra assurance when purchasing tickets. If something unexpected happens and they can’t attend the event, they can request a refund directly from Protect Group — no hassle for you or them. Event organizers who enable this feature help protect themselves from potential disputes, making things smoother for everyone. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to easily set up evProtect for your event whether it is an existing or new event.
Enable evProtect for Existing Events
Existing events created before the release of evProtect will have it automatically disabled in their event settings. However, for events created after the feature’s implementation, evProtect will be automatically enabled and will apply to non-refundable tickets during the ticket creation process.
Log in to your account.
At the top of the homepage, hover over the "Organize" tab and select the event you wish to enable evProtect for.
- From your event dashboard menu, click "Settings" under the "Other" tab.
- Scroll down to "Ticket Settings" and select the "edit" button.
If your event date is more than two years from the current date, you won't be able to enable evProtect. Attempting to do so will trigger an error message. To resolve this, if possible, update your event date to be within the two-year timeframe from today.
- Switch the toggle button to "Enable". This will activate the feature, allowing your attendees to add evProtect to their ticket purchase. Click the "Save" button when done.
evProtect is only available for tickets marked as "non-refundable." If a ticket is set to "refundable," evProtect will automatically be disabled for that specific ticket.
Frequently Asked Questions
What specific circumstances qualify for an evProtect refund?
Refunds through evProtect are based on a set of qualifying circumstances outlined by Protect Group, such as medical emergencies, accidents, or other unforeseen events that prevent attendees from attending. Event organizers can’t directly approve or deny these refunds, as the refund requests are managed solely by Protect Group. Full details are available in the Protect Group terms and conditions.
How does evProtect affect the ticket purchase flow for attendees?
When evProtect is enabled, attendees will see an option during the checkout process to add refund protection for non-refundable tickets. This will appear as a separate charge on their bank statement, and the cost is dynamically calculated based on factors like ticket price and event details. Attendees can opt-in or decline the protection before completing their purchase.
Can attendees add evProtect to their purchase after they have already bought their tickets?
No, once the ticket has been purchased without evProtect, attendees cannot retroactively add it. They must decide during the initial checkout process whether or not to include refund protection.
If an attendee refunds a portion of their ticket order, does evProtect still apply to the remaining tickets?
Yes, if an attendee has purchased multiple tickets with evProtect, and only one ticket is refunded or canceled, the refund protection will still apply to the remaining tickets in the order. The refund protection is tied to each individual ticket, not the entire order.
What happens if an attendee resells their ticket after purchasing evProtect?
If an attendee resells a ticket that had evProtect, the refund protection is automatically forfeited. The new purchaser will not inherit the refund protection, and it won’t apply to the resold ticket. The new ticket holder would need to purchase their own protection (if available) for the ticket.
Does the cost of evProtect vary depending on the event or ticket price?
Yes, the cost of evProtect is determined by an AI algorithm that considers various factors, including ticket price, the nature of the event, and the likelihood of a refund claim. This means that the fee for refund protection may differ from event to event, or even between ticket types within the same event.
If I change the ticket price after enabling evProtect, does it affect the refund protection cost?
Any changes to ticket prices will not retroactively affect the evProtect fee for tickets that have already been purchased. However, new purchases made after the price change will reflect the updated price, and the cost of refund protection will be recalculated accordingly.
Can I disable evProtect for specific ticket types while keeping it enabled for others?
evProtect can only be applied to non-refundable tickets. If some of your tickets are refundable, evProtect will be automatically disabled for those tickets. You cannot selectively enable or disable evProtect for individual non-refundable tickets within the same event — it's applied globally to all non-refundable tickets unless you have disabled evProtect in your ticket settings.
What happens if I, as the event organizer, make changes to a ticket that has evProtect?
Any modifications you make to a ticket, such as upgrading or swapping to a different ticket, will impact the evProtect order. If the original ticket is canceled or significantly altered, the associated refund protection will be voided for that ticket. This is important to communicate to attendees if you need to make changes on their behalf.
Will I be notified if an attendee’s refund claim is denied by Protect Group?
No, event organizers will not be directly involved in the refund claim process. Protect Group handles all claims and will communicate directly with the attendee. If the claim is denied, Protect Group will inform the attendee, and the organizer may not necessarily be informed unless the attendee reaches out for further clarification.
12. How can I track which attendees have purchased evProtect with their tickets?
As an event organizer, you will be able to see in your event analytics or ticket purchase details which attendees have opted for refund protection. This will be visible in your ticket management system, so you can easily identify tickets that are covered under evProtect.
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